
Increasing the visibility and functionality of promising new features for a digital adoption platform.

I was a product design intern at Pendo - a rapidly-growing startup offering a suite of tools that help businesses understand what drives their success.

One of Pendo's key products is Guides, which businesses can deploy to fulfill a number of purposes - onboarding new users, announcing new features, and communicating important updates to their product.

During my internship...

I explored ways to reduce customer frustration with Guides.

I focused on increasing customer awareness of promising new features.

I immersed myself in every part of the design process.

I participated in research sessions, collaborated cross-functionally with designers and developers, and produced deliverables in Figma and Whimsical.

I shipped two designs, boosting conversions for a new feature by 125%.

I presented my work to the company, and saw my ideas making a positive impact in the product.

Guide Details with Repeat Guide Display

Boosting visibility for a new feature while optimizing a pre-existing design.


Repeat Guide Display (RGD) is a new feature that allows Pendo customers to set a guide to repeat a certain number of times and expire after someone dismisses it a certain number of times.

This feature was created as part of a broader initiative to give guide administrators more control over how their guides activate. By allowing a guide to display based on customer behavior, administrators can worry less about their customers being "spammed" with unnecessary guides, and have a better understanding of what guides work best for their business.

When a user wants to see how one of their guides is working, they can access the Guide Details page, which functions like a dashboard.

The Activation card, located at the bottom left of the dashboard, provides a quick overview of how a guide activates.

When I joined the team, there was no way to tell if RGD was activated in this card. The excitement of Repeat Guide Display was hampered by these issues, leading to me looking into ways to incorporate this important information into a redesigned Activation card.


One of the biggest concerns when approaching this design was the time constraints. RGD was already in the product, so I started by prioritizing simple fixes that could be easy to add.
At first, I looked into how to incorporate the details under the "How does this guide activate?" heading.

This was a straightforward option that would be easy to implement, but it started to fall apart when it came to testing edge cases.

For example, when more than 2 activation types are used in the same guide, the sentence grows to be too long and complex for users to understand at-a-glance.

With this in mind, I looked at the bottom half of the card to see how I could reorganize the information in a way that's easier to scan.
Dashboard mockup
My next iteration focused on parsing the information into smaller fragments with corresponding icons.

While this improved readability and gave Repeat Guide Display a dedicated field, it would've been much more intensive to develop.

Additionally, feedback from users showed that they appreciated the sentence-based explanation of the guide's behavior.
Dashboard mockup
After exploring these options, I realized that I needed to design a middle ground between these two options. The design needed to reduce reliance on text by using visual cues, without impacting how the information was being presented.


For the final design, I added icons correlating to each activation type that appear in the top of the card when each type is selected, giving users a way to visually identify how their card is being activated beyond text.

I also reworked the copy for “How does this guide activate?” and “Repeat Guide Display,” to convey the information in a natural, consistent manner.

Click the picture below to take a closer look at the cards!


With the endless support of my team, I took this project from ideation to development in only a few weeks. It was launched in mid-July.

Two months later, the design team ran a funnel analysis on the new design, testing for a change in clicks on a guide's Repeat Guide Display settings after viewing and clicking on the new Activation card.
Customer use of Repeat Guide Display after viewing the new card increased by 125%.
By adding visibility for the feature outside of the designer, customers are seeing increased value for the feature and finding more uses for it in their guides. I'm happy to see my work bringing users closer to a powerful new feature, and hope this trend continues!

Adding Categories to Saved Layouts

Adding flexibility to a promising new feature.


After completing my first project, I wanted to dive deeper into the need for efficient guide management demonstrated by Pendo's customers. Research uncovered concerns from customers about overwhelming their users with guides, prompting some to limit their active guides.

Recognizing this, my team proposed adding categories to guides to give customers more control and smarter guide management. Each category would have predefined rules to add guardrails for what goes in a particular guide.

When creating guides, customers are able to save the visual and stylistic elements as a layout. With a layout, it takes far less time to create a new guide - customers can select the layout to streamline the addition of new guides. However, some issues emerged.

Layouts were identifiable by name only.

There are no other ways for a user to differentiate between layouts.

There was no way to sort or filter between layouts.

Depending on the customer, this could lead to needlessly long lists of layouts.

Customers cannot edit a saved layout.

To make changes, they have to make a duplicate, edit that one, and delete the old one.

With all those limitations, there was no way for customers to properly organize or manage their layouts, extremely limiting the feature's usability. We decided that adding the ability to categorize layouts would be a foundational step in improving this feature and broadening the capabilities of guide categorization.


When approaching this project, I knew right away that the solution should involve a dropdown. Dropdowns are commonly used for selecting options throughout Pendo's suite of products, and had already been used in designs for adding categories to guides.

With this in mind, I started sketching out low-fidelity wireframes, varying in complexity, and ultimately landed on the following idea.
Customers would see a new field for adding categories, with a description about the feature. They would use a multi-select dropdown to add one or more categories for their layout.

There was also an idea, formed in collaboration with another designer on the team, to give users a way to update an existing layout. Ultimately, we decided to focus on adding categories, and left layout updates for another sprint.
Dashboard mockup
I used Whimsical to create high-fidelity wireframes expanding on this idea.
As I started prototyping the design in Figma, I explored the different dropdown variants in the Pendo design system. I expected this to be straightforward, but the problem presented a unique use case that revealed the limits of the dropdown components in Pendo's design system.
Initially, I opted for a checkbox-based dropdown used in different parts of Engage, Pendo's main product.

This dropdown organizes options with headers for clarity and categorization. When a user picks a category, it moves to a "Selected" section, allowing users to easily view and remove selected categories.

Although the component is easy to understand, I noticed an issue - when a category moves to the "Selected" section, it loses the context for various use cases provided by the headings in the list.

To address this, I explored alternative components that didn't have this drawback.
Dashboard mockup
I then tested out a dropdown with pill-shaped tags, also found throughout Engage. Unlike the first dropdown, selected options stay highlighted in their original position on the list of categories.

When gathering feedback from my team, we realized that the absence of checkboxes might make users unaware that they can choose multiple categories. Before a user selects anything, this dropdown appears to be identical to the single-select dropdown found in Engage.

To address this, I moved forward by combining the styles of both dropdowns into a custom component.
Dashboard mockup


The final design combines the simplicity of the checkboxes in the first option with the added visibility of the “tags” in the second option.

When the user selects a category…

  • It appears "selected" in the list.
  • It appears in a new "selected" area at the top of the list, with an option to clear all categories selected.
  • It appears as a static tag in the dropdown field, even when the dropdown is closed.

These simultaneous actions allows for clear visibility of what customers have and have not selected, and preserves all the information they need.

I also addressed the appearance of the closed dropdown. When numerous categories are selected, and their names can't fully display, I introduced a numerical truncation system. It displays what fits within the field and indicates the count of additional selected categories.

Dashboard mockup


Towards the end of my internship, I had to opportunity to hand off my design to the engineering team.

I advocated for my design decisions and demonstrated the importance of this feature for customers, and worked with the engineers to ensure that every aspect of the design was translated to code. It's still in development, but it should be launching soon!

Even though I'm awaiting feedback on how the added feature performs, I’m confident that it will give Pendo’s customers a better way to organize their layouts and streamline the way in which they create new guides.


  1. Feedback is instrumental.

    One of the things I loved the most about the design team was the weekly huddles to go over our work and gather feedback from teammates both inside and outside of whatever product space you were working on.

    It's hard to even quantify how much I benefitted from these meetings, and opening myself up to feedback (including the brutally honest feedback) led to some game-changing epiphanies for myself and my designs.

  2. Organize everything!

    By keeping my Figma files tidy and tracking meetings and iterations in my Notion workspace, I was able to speed up communications, deliver an airtight presentation of my work, and preserve my sanity.
  3. Do nothing without intention.

    I knew going into the internship that I wanted to ship at least one project - and that was daunting. It was even more daunting when I realized there was so much I didn't know about the product space, and I had less than two months to get everything done.

    Keeping my goal at the forefront of my mind allowed me to stay motivated and hand off two projects to development.

Thanks for reading!

Feel free to check out the rest of my portfolio.